1125 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128

Existing Patients: (212) 289-1400

New Patients: (646) 462-3367


At Carnegie Hill Pediatrics, we’re dedicated to helping your children enjoy optimal health and wellness. In addition to supporting your child’s physical health, we also offer guidance and services to address any cognitive, emotional, or social issues that may arise.

Our board-certified pediatricians are well equipped to offer counseling and help address any problems that may be difficult for children and their families to cope with alone. As a trusted partner in care, we provide patients and their parents advice and counseling on issues such as:

  • Difficulties at home or in school
  • Mental health conditions
  • Eating disorders
  • Disruptive or reckless behaviors
  • Harmful habits
  • Substance abuse
  • Trauma-related disorders
  • Coping with health problems

The health and safety of your children are our paramount concerns. At every office visit, our pediatricians address age-appropriate health and wellness issues and inquire about your child’s overall well-being. If any areas of concern are present, we provide helpful guidance and therapeutic care.