The decision for your child to see a doctor can be difficult. Do you really need to go? What if it's nothing? What if it's really bad?
There are a lot of questions to consider, but ultimately, the answer is simple: You should always consult with a doctor when you're concerned about your health.
You’ve Been Sick For Too Long
If your child has been sick for less than a week, it's probably best to wait it out and see if you get better on your own. However, if your symptoms are severe or getting more serious (uncontrollable coughing or vomiting), that's a sign that it's time to make an appointment sooner rather than later.
You Decided To Take Control Of Your Overall Health
We also recommend coming in for a wellness check-up if you're just looking to improve your health and quality of life. Carnegie Hill Pediatrics and its qualified staff are committed to helping patients stay healthy, and they can help you build a better lifestyle through exercise, diet, and other practices that will benefit your overall well-being.
You Are Planning To Travel Internationally
When you're traveling, you should always schedule an appointment with your doctor at least a month before you leave. We'll give you the rundown on what diseases might be in the area where you're going and administer any vaccines or medications you'll need.
When in doubt, remember: There's nothing our team at Carnegie Hill Pediatrics can't handle. We're here for all of our patients' needs.