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What Should I Feed My Children?

February 16, 2022

When it comes to what we eat, there are so many choices available nowadays. New food products with confusing ingredients and fancy label claims are being introduced all the time — and often promoted directly to our children in a variety of ways. So how is a parent to go about making the crucial decisions about the best nutritional choices for our children?

You can trust your pediatrician Carnegie Hill Pediatrics to be well versed on the latest data and recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics for encouraging healthy eating habits for your children. Your pediatrician is the medical provider whose specialty is the health of your children, including their physical and behavioral care, from birth to the age of 18. This sole focus brings a level of experience and care that distinguishes the pediatrician from all other medical specialties.

Among the multitude of challenges facing parents today are determining the right portion and serving sizes; deciphering the confusing nutritional labels to know when foods contain excessive amounts of salt, sugar and fat; choosing healthy snacks; recognizing when your children are actually hungry and not just eating out of boredom; and avoiding food traps like vacations and holiday gatherings. Whether your child needs vitamins or supplements; the pros and cons of fruit juices and sports drinks versus just plain water; and the importance of whole grains and fiber in their diets, are also important topics of discussion to raise with your pediatrician.

As every parent can attest, the choices about what to put on the table at mealtime are among the toughest decisions you have to make every day. That’s why relying on the experience of our pediatrician at Carnegie Hill Pediatrics is the healthiest way to set the table for your child’s future. Please don’t hesitate to contact our office to schedule an appointment today.