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Get Your Kids Into the Exercise Groove

January 3, 2022

Does your teenage son plant himself in front of his gaming station for hours on end? Does your daughter spend a lot of her free time interacting with her smartphone? Electronic devices have changed the ways kids play, and not in a good way. Seeing tweens and teenagers play outside with each other is a rare sight these days, which is why many of them are overweight and out of shape. 

At the office of Carnegie Hill Pediatrics, we are experts at diagnosing your child’s issues as well as providing the treatment needed to maintain his or her excellent health. Everyone here will take as much time as you need to address your and your child’s every concern and explain your options in care. 

Obesity in children can make them self-conscious, physically unhealthy and prone to carry that extra weight into adulthood. Here are some suggestions that will motivate your kids to exercise and keep exercising so they’ll reap all the benefits. 

Start them off slowly. Kids who lead a sedentary lifestyle tend to resist physical activity, so begin with “baby steps.” A 10-minute after-school walk is a good way to ease them into it. If they deem five days in a row too many, tell them to stroll every other day. When they’re ready, add one minute each day. 

Make their workouts “playouts.” Any movement other than sitting matters. If your child enjoys nature, encourage her to join organizations that focus on hiking, bird watching, camping or voluntary cleanups at local parks. If she likes sports, urge her to take classes in martial arts, gymnastics or dancing. 

Introduce them to the sporting life. They can play team sports that are offered at their school. If one or more of your kids dislikes group sports, she can join the track & field team or a cycling club. 

Lead by example. Children learn more from their parents than you realize. If you’re into keeping fit, they’ll be more likely to exercise. Encourage them to join you while you do chores in and around the house. Pulling garden weeds or painting a room may seem easy, but there’s a lot of effort involved. Successes will build your children’s self-confidence and encourage them to integrate exercise into their lives. Praise and encourage them for any positive steps they take toward being healthier.

Carnegie Hill Pediatrics’s team is made up of friendly, highly trained professionals who are eager to help you and your child feel relaxed while receiving the very best care. We’ve earned the trust of all of our patients and look forward to earning yours. For more information about our practice and how we can help your child, please don’t hesitate to call us to schedule an appointment.