In addition to all of the vital services that we at Carnegie Hill Pediatrics provide when it comes to general medical care, we're also proud to offer urgent treatment when you are dealing with an emergency. Certainly, some matters require that you go to the E.R. or call 911, because a hospital is where you need to be. But there is a significant gray area between that and everyday matters. Use your best judgment, but for many situations, our office is the best place for you to go when you need an emergency doctor.
The hospital's emergency room is set up to handle life or death matters first, and because patients are seen on the basis of need, if your matter is not judged to be urgent enough, you could wait a very long time to be seen and tended to. Furthermore, many insurance plans have prohibitively high co-pays for an E.R. visit. Unless your life is in danger, there is no reason to put yourself through the expense in time and money when you can come in to see our Warrenville emergency doctor. Our office is capable and equipped to examine, diagnose, evaluate, and treat a wide variety of common ailments and concerns, and we'll make every effort to have you seen in a timely manner. We even have Saturday hours, to meet your needs. And unlike in an emergency room, where the doctors are typically overwhelmed with cases, our Warrenville emergency doctor can provide you with the personalized attention that will leave you assured that your needs as a unique individual are being met.
We understand that when you're in pain, suffering from severe symptoms, or dealing with a scary but unidentified illness, you can't just wait a day or two until the next available appointment. Call our office and we'll get you in so that your circumstances can be addressed by our emergency doctor.